Introduction to Speedskating Workshop

Introduction to Speedskating Workshop led by Lorenz

We meet at the Kirkwood Road Entrance to Nun’s Way Recreation Ground (Kings Hedges, North Cambridge, parking at side of road available)

Lorenz is a competitive Speedskater with 9 years of experience. He finished 7th place at this year's German national championships in half marathon with a time of 34:57!

The worksshop is suitable for everyone at Intermediate and Advanced level interested in improving their technique and going faster on skates! You should feel confident standing on one skate and going a bit faster - as that is the ultimate goal ;)

Focusing on the basics of the efficient skating push, the concepts will be useful for all types of skating - quads and inline as well as ice.

We start off with some dryland exercises at the Nun's Way Recreation Ground (having normal shoes is good, doing it barefoot or with skates on the grass is also possible) and then transfer that to skating as we go along the Northern Busway.
