Please be aware that at all events organised by or hosted by Cambridge Skaters
you skate at your own risk!
We (the marshals) will do our best to make the skate a fun and safe experience,
but responsibility for your safety rests entirely with you.
Cambridge Skaters Code of Conduct
This code of conduct applies to all Cambridge Skaters social channels and social networks.
- Keep the discussion related to inline, quad, and ice skating and associated activities only.
- Do not post messages that are unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening,
harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, homophobic, or racially offensive.
- Please discuss any potential issues or concerns with an admin first.
The social media channels are not the forum to bring up issues for debate.
Skating Levels
Events are marked as All levels (suitable for Beginners), Intermediate or Advanced.
The recommended criteria are:
- BEGINNER: New to roller or inline skating.
Still developing stops, strides, and balance.
- INTERMEDIATE: Effective at T-stop, skating at casual
cyclist speed, stride is par with textbook form.
- ADVANCED: Effective at advanced stopping (e.g. powerslide,
parallel slide, powerstop).
Comfortable skating downhill. Able to skate at speed of 10 to 14 mph.
Can handle all terrains and skate around cars, cyclists and pedestrians.